
Fukushima (2011 ongoing)

These paintings are based on the epic catastrophe of the 3 Full Core Meltdowns at the Fukushima Daichii Nuclear Power plant in March of 2011. It is an emotional series of paintings for me, similar to what Goya might have felt witnessing / documenting, the destruction of the Peninsula War. These paintings are my attempt to alert people to the monumental destruction to the Pacific Ocean and our entire eco-system from the ongoing radiation releases and to try, like Goya, invigorate the human conscience.

All the paintings are produced with “Polytarp” that have my trademark smooth/reflective or textured surface. (refer to my artist statement on this process)



The Pacific Ocean

The “Pacific Ocean Series” is my latest evolution of paintings representing the first consequences of the EPIC nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima. Good “Art, Imitates Life”, like a portrait capturing the essence of the person represented. These paintings are my portrait of the Pacific Ocean, not seen as traditional images of water and waves but a cry for help through a technique of painting that is entirely my own.  Artistically, I am expressing the epic destruction of the Pacific, having developed a method of image-making that has never been done before – similar to the way J. Pollock resolved how to represent his age. We now live in THE AGE OF FISSION, an age like no other, that demands originality, power and CONSCIENCE from the artists who matter.

Thomas Ackermann

Aug. 2017

