i am ackermann

works & exhibits

who isackermann

Artist Statement – Thomas Ackermann

As a painter for more than 40 years I have endeavoured to elicit a visceral experience of my paintings for the viewer. My interest is not only WHAT (subject) I’m painting but HOW (process) I physically make a painting. Half my subject is the painting itself. I have developed a very personal way of applying my materials onto the canvas, in spirit, much like Pollock or Frankenthaler dripping or pouring. I am using a 600 year old medium (oil paint) and re-invented (altered) it to suit my unique process. My paint surfaces are either highly reflective (without topical varnishes) or extremely rough and textured. A brush has not touched the final surface.

.....fool me twice...can't get fooled again! (G.W. "baby" Bush)
Wisdom - Truth vs. A Caring - Transformative Conscience
Reality Is Not As It Appears - Dr Shiva
What is Healing
Chemtrails over Paris
When you're ready....
FABULOUS !!! ASSANGE Appeal to proceed + more
BMA (Big Mouth Awards) With Stieve News Shellen